Detail Page

Unsupervised Learning

This lab session is aimed to provide a first introduction to unsupervised learning methods. In the first notebook, we'll study algorithms to perform clustering and dimensionality reduction (that is, k-means and principal component analysis (PCA)) In the second notebook, we'll apply these algorithms in a real-world dataset. Moreover, we'll cover a method to visualize high-dimensional data called t-SNE. We'll use three datasets during this lab session:

  • a toy dataset to gain insight into how unsupervised learning algorithms work
  • a research dataset to try out already-implemented algorithms and your own implementations!
  • a real-world dataset to get a better understanding of the limitations these algorithms might have

Course Materials

Unsupervised Learning Presentation

See Now

Clustering MNIST Notebook

(Only Granted to AIBT student)
See Now

Clustering Advanced Notebook

(Only Granted to AIBT student)
See Now

Skills you will acquire

Unsupervised learning basics
Dimensionality reduction
K-means algorithm
Principal Component Analysis
Manipulate MNIST dataset
Manipulate tiny ImageNet dataset

Handful External resources

Some videos on the methods you will cover in this class:

t-SNE implementations

See Now

Your Teachers

Ahmad Berjaoui

Mouhcine Mendil


This project is maintained by IRT Saint Exupery

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